St. Francis Xavier Parish Golf Tournament
Date and Time
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
July 29, 2023 9:00 am -- Noon
Rolling Knolls Golf Course, Dyersville
$35 per person
Contact Information
Brooke 563-599-3704
St. Francis Xavier Parish Golf Tourna...
St. Francis Xavier Parish Golf Tournament 18-Hole 4 person Best Shot. Shot gun start 9 am. Rolling Knolls Goft Course, Dyersville $35 per person. Includes golf, lunch, flag events & cash flight prizes Call Brooke at 563-599-3704 or Rolling Knolls 563-875-7466 to reserve your spot. Carts available for an additional fee- call to reserve.